Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Day 31

I wasn't given a mission and I'm going to bed soon. So here is a photo I took today.

Day 31: #s from cassie

We made it!!!

Monday, 30 January 2012

30 days later

Bummed I didn't take my picture before changing and going to job two. I started the day super cute with a cute outfit and ended the day in scrubby Walgreens clothes and looking tired.... Oh well.

Self portrait

I think i only wore my hair curly twice... Not on purpose.

30 days later

Day 30: self portrait



Sunday, 29 January 2012

Day 29: clouds

Real Clouds and my favorite color scheme


Sun setting in Columbia.


Some clouds actually came out!!!!

Day 29: clouds

Crazy week and no clouds in sight today... I made my own by the arch!


Saturday, 28 January 2012

Using motion

My light when i spin the camera

Not sure what incorporate motion means...

But I think this counts

Sunset and natural lighting

Sorry I'm so behind I'm no good at this.


Friday, 27 January 2012

Natural light

It was raining during the only part of the day i could take a picture outside, so i am going with this :)

Natural light

Walking into job numeral dos at 4:15 today. Dreary.

Day 27: natural light

This is as natural and light as it got today. Sick of clouds.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Shadow Butterfly

Scentsy Shadow

Day 26: shadows

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Day 25: anything I want


Bowties and pearls

Whatever i want

These clouds are incredible!!!!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Day 24: favorite color scheme

I was hoping to see the sunset today bc that's really my fave scheme

My favorite color scheme is pink and green

Favorite Colors

Monday, 23 January 2012

Childhood memory

Made these at Silver Dollar City when I went with my brother and our Aunt Diane, Uncle Roger, Uncle Mark, Dan, and Kelly and Sarah. The girls were little. Sarah was just a baby. And Kelly wanted to know the top secret family recipe for making ice.

Childhood memory

Hiding under the covers with RedBear.

Day 23: childhood memory

Two memories sit everyday on my dresser

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Someone (something) I love

Whatever I want, hehe

Running behind: landscape

Someone(s) I Love

Top left is my grandma and I
Top right is my mom, Giz, Will, and I
Bottom left is my Grandpa Sam and I
Bottom middle is me and my cousin Jason from Tennessee
Bottom right is my Uncle Richard and I
And of course you know the people in the middle!

I love Matt!

Day 22: someone you love

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Sunset gummi worms :)

Wishful thinking...


Day 21: sunset

I had high hopes for this picture with the sun out earlier... But my lovely colorado sunset will do with a cloudy evening sky

Friday, 20 January 2012

Day 20: anything I want

I want sean.... ummm... The city museum!

Right Where I Want To Be

Lounging at home. First Friday night off in forever. Loving it.

Whatever I want...

I love taking pictures like this! And I am listening to Adele and I don't know how to take a picture of music... Btw, it's Set Fire To The Rain... appropriate for the weather. Also, did anyone notice our pictures?

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Backyard Landscape

4 in a series of 4
* not my actual backyard*

Desert Landcape

2 in a series of 4

Ocean landscape

3 in a series of 4

Rainforest landscape

1 in a series of 4

Day 19: landscape

Landscape ahoy...

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


An oldie but a goodie.